

International shipping restrictions:

– Freight values ​​do not include any charge to destination (taxes, address corrections or others to enter the USA)

– Packages must not weigh more than 70 kilograms, nor exceed 270 centimeters in length, or a total of 419 centimeters in length and girth combined. They vary by origin and destination and are specified at www.ups.com.

– The value of any package must not exceed the equivalent of 50,000 USD (US dollars) in local currency.

– Shipments must not contain any of the prohibited items, including (although the list is not exhaustive), items of unusual value (such as works of art, antiques, precious stones, stamps, unique pieces, gold or silver), money or negotiable instruments (such as checks, bills of exchange, bonds, savings books, prepaid credit cards, stock certificates or other securities), firearms, or dangerous goods.

– Shipments must not contain merchandise that could endanger human or animal lives or any means of transportation, or that could contaminate or otherwise damage other merchandise that is being transported by UPS, or whose transport, export or import is prohibited by applicable law.

– The merchandise that travels on pallets must be delivered for transport on a pallet, be stackable, be manageable with a forklift, and shrink-wrapped or anchored to the pallet.

– No perishables, food or drinks are allowed.

– Only provider for shipments with this offer: UPS.