
Monday April 3rd, 2023

Shop on Amazon without paying Florida Taxes. EPS shows you how

Did you know that you can shop on Amazon tax-free?

Yes! Our EPS address in Doral is a “Florida Tax-Free” address. Therefore, when you ship your items with us, you can save up to 7% in taxes.

How does this work? Simply by entering our EPS address when checking out, your order will automatically be exempt from Florida state taxes. This benefit is available for purchases made on Amazon, its affiliates, and most of their independent sellers.

However, keep in mind that this exemption does NOT cover taxes or customs obligations once your shipment arrives inthe Dominican Republic. This means that all items that exceed US$200.00 will still be subjected to local fees, depending on the type of item.

Read more: What happens when your products have a value greater than 200 dollars?Click here.

Another consideration to make is that the tax-free benefit only applies to products shipped from Florida. In all other cases, you must request a regular tax refundfrom Amazon. More on this at the end of this article.

So, what are you waiting for to take advantage of this tax-free benefit on Florida purchases? Join our #EPSFamilyto enjoy this and many other advantages!

How to get a tax refund when shopping online

Did you know that you can request your tax refund when shopping for other online stores (other than Amazon)? All you need is an EPS invoice or proof of export, tracking number and order number. That’s it.


  1. Access your EPS Account
  2. From the left side menu, select “My Packages”
  3. Choose the “Package History”option
  4. Choose a time frame for the packages you want to consult and click on “Search”
  5. Click on the package code number
  6. The invoice number for your package will be on the left side, where it says “EPS invoice no.”


  1. Access your EPS account at eps.com.do
  2. Choose “My Packages” from the menu on the leftside
  3. Select “Proof of Export”
  4. A window will open showing all proofs of export that have been generated from your previous packages
  5. Choose the proof of export you were looking for and click on “Download Here”


  1. Send an email to tax-exempt@amazon.com with the subject: “Request a tax refund”
  2. Make sure to include this information in the email:
    • Your name (as it appears on your Amazon account)
    • The address to whereyour packages were sent in Miami:
      8298 NW 21st St.
      APT (your EPS membership number)
      Doral Florida
      Zip code: 33122-0002
      Phone: (305) 591-2900
  3. Amazon order number
  4. Tracking number
  5. Attach your EPS invoices or Proof of Export to the email, proving that your packages were shipped outside of the United States.

Note this:You must make sure that the invoices contain the tracking number for each product for which you are requesting a refund.

Done! If the process was completed successfully, Amazon will refund the credit or debit card with which the purchase was made within 3 to 5 days.

Last, but not least!

  • Always verify if your purchases on Amazon actually have a tax fee applied
  • Amazon will always make the refund to the same payment method used to make the purchase, so make sure that card is not expired or cancelled

Good luck!